Though the subject TB& Chest diseases is a branch of general medicine, it has a full fledged department in HSK Hospital Bagalkot, because of the importance the subject enjoys at National & international level. About 1/5th of the total patients worldwide suffering from tuberculosis and allied diseases live in India. The departmental also works hand in gloves with the Karnataka government in implementing Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme ( RNTCP).
Mission / Vision
- Providing the best teaching environment. .
- Giving the knowledge about TB & Chest diseases
- Exposing the students to the latest in technology as regards to diagnosis. and management of TB and chest diseases.
Courses Catered:
Number of Post graduate seats:
Infrastructure of Department:
- Pulmonary function test
- Aroom for RNTCP’s DMC & DOTS.
- Separate wards for male and female patients
Academic Activities:
- Clinical teaching in OPD.
- Regular Theory classes.
- Demonstration of procedures – PFT, Suture examination.
- Giving knowledge about RNTCP.
Contact details:
Dept of TB & Chest
SNMC& HSK Hospital Bagalkot
Ph: 08354 235400 (EXT 1130)
- Anatomy
- Biochemistry
- Physiology
- community medicine
- pathology
- microbiology
- forensic medicine
- pharmaology
- medicine
- pediatrics
- dermatology
- anaesthesiology
- psychiatry
- tb and chest medicine
- radiology
- surgery
- obestretics and gynaecology
- otorhynolaryngology (E.N.T)
- ophthalmology
- orthopaedics
- medical education